Monday, May 28, 2012

With our current Inquiry we've been looking at 'Part Whole' SOLO maps to think about the different parts of an animal and what their function is - from this exercise we came to the conclusion that all the parts of an animal play an important role in how it lives and survives in its natural habitat.
Here's one of our maps for an elephant - click on it to have a closer look...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Stuck Kitty

We've been working hard on our descriptive writing in class using a picture with an animal theme - have a read of what some of us wrote ...
(J.L.)  The ginger kitten quietly crept towards the glass tank.  The shiny fish were so scared that they hid in the corner of their tank with the bubbly bubbles above them.  She hungrily climbed up the tree and pounced in the slippery tank.  The soggy kitten's drippy body was soaking wet.  The sad goldfish were very frightened.  Then the stuck kitten heard a creaking sound and it was the door and her owner to the rescue - Phew!

(H.M.)  The little kitten was watching the fish.  He was hungry so he put his paw in the fish tank, but  he fell in.  He got so scared and cold.  He was stuck in the fish tank and no matter how much he tried he couldn't get out.  He was mad and unhappy.  Then his owner came and got him out and he never went in that tank again.

(C.M)  The ginger cat was creeping sneakily up on the beautiful goldfish.  He was carefully staring at the goldfish and he dived into the tank where they live.  The cat was afraid of water but he jumped in anyway.  He looks like a squirrel in the tank.  The cat screamed until the owner came in and saw their cat in the fish tank.  He was trying to eat the fish - naughty and mischievous cat.     

Look mum I can ride a scooter

Mr Hayward has promised to bring his golden retriever (Ben) into school one day this term as part of our current inquiry.  Now Ben can do a few pretty cool tricks, but nothing quite like this wonder pooch Norman ... check his moves out!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Production Song #1 -

For our middle school production coming up next term we need to learn the songs - and so here is the first one that you need to listen to and practise so you know the words really well.  Try not to drive your parents up the wall with it though!

How many of these animals can you name?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Friday this week was Pink Shirt Day and we decided that its anti-bullying message is a good one and one we want to support in our classroom and in our school.  So we came up with all sorts of slogans to get the message across and made our own pink shirts to put them on!

Origin Stories

We've been writing 'Origin Stories' to explain (using our wild imagination) how some animals got the interesting features they have - like how a giraffe got its long neck, a tiger got its stripes, an elephant got its trunk, a peacock got its feathers, etc. 
Here's a story by (O.R.) 
A long time ago all the elephants had short trunks and they liked them.  Their life was very good but they had a baby elephant who did not like his life because he really wanted a long trunk.  His parents said it’s okay maybe you will get a long trunk one day.  The baby elephant said alright and he wandered off for a drink from a pond.  When he was there he reached for a drink then snap! a crocodile had got him by the nose.  The mean scaly sharp toothed crocodile pulled hard but the baby elephant pulled too.  He let out a loud trumpet and his parents and the herd ran to help him.  When they got there they were pulling as hard as they could.  The crocodile finally gave up because they were too strong and the elephants all fell back when he let go.  The baby elephant got his dream because when the herd and the crocodile were pulling his trunk was stretching.  It hurt but that’s how elephants got their long trunks. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Celebrating Mums at B.D.S.

At school on Friday we had a special morning to acknowledge how fantastic mums are.  It started with a delicious breakfast outside the staff room and then we had an awesome assembly put on by Room 23 in the hall.  The mums seemed to have a great time and we hope they have a lovely day on Sunday - because they deserve it!!!


Zoo Trip May 2012 on PhotoPeach

Monday, May 7, 2012

Descriptive Writing Piece

We have been talking about descriptive/environmental writing in class; and have linked it with our current Inquiry about animals.  We enjoyed talking about Leopards and how they love to relax up in trees.  Here's some of our writing about this picture...

(J.H.)  The sleepy Leopard lay quietly up in his huge tree.  His long firm tail is very spotty and looks like a snake camouflaged in the tree.  He lies knackered up in his tree balancing cleverly.  He rests from his big hunt and from dragging his heavy prey up so high.  He lies in the shade and enjoys the soft gentle breeze on his body.  He looks really comfortable and safe away from danger.

(R.C.)  The Leopard went to hunt for food then dragged it up his favourite tree.  He was lying there lazily from that big meal he had.  Sleeping happily in the nice cool breeze.  He enjoys the cool air whooshing around him and over his fur.

(R.W.)  The spotty sleepy Leopard is hiding sneakily from other big cats after a huge meal he hunted.  Wanting to feel breeze under the big brown and green tree he loves.  Sleeping lazily and very tired.  Safely resting and happy balanced on the branch.

(J.S.)  The Leopard has a long swishy spotty tail when he is asleep.  The green leafy tree is  making the cool breeze go through his fluffy fur.

(E.H.)  The Leopard lay in the shady tree after a big meal with the cool breeze blowing against him.  He is really tired and hot, hot, hot from running in the sun and from bringing his food back.

Looking for some awesome books on our Inquiry topic? You need look no further than our very own library... these books have been set aside for us all to share so enjoy them but remember to put them back neatly.

“Hi everyone, this is my new friend, Freddy. You may have seen him in the library. He loves reading too!  We have something exciting to tell you...the librarians are going to choose two people every lunch time who are showing fantastic library behaviour to put their names in a special box. At the end of term we will draw one name out and that person will get a special reading prize pack. Cool aye? So remember to read and walk quietly while you are in the library.”

Friday, May 4, 2012

Room 16 Winners

Today at our school assembly Mr J gave out some special awards for our awesome ripper rugby players from Year 3.  We were very excited in Room 16 because our team 6 got the shield for sportsmanship and J.W. also got a very cool medal for ripper rugby sportsboy of the year.
Well done guys we're very proud of you, and thanks again Mr J!!